Thursday 7 May 2009

Lincoln continues...

Pictures in and around Lincoln Castle...

The highest point of the castle.. masa ni kena nyanyi national anthem Long Live The Queen hehe... if you translate lagu negeri johor Allah Selamatkan Sultan, hah sebijik translation LLTQ cuma tukar queen dgn sultan jer.. tune pun sama. Tak caya cuba check...

This is inside the castle. Family admission fee £11.. at first tak nak masuk, tapi kalu tak masuk rugi plak. So masuk lah jugak... There's a high wall around the castle. Which one is the actual castle pun tak sure.. rasa dah runtuh kot, tinggal part of it jer.

Ni gambar kat atas tembok tu.. challenging jugak lah nak naik atas ni.. dah ler kena bawak pushchair adik. From here we can see view around Lincoln city. Very nice..

Walaupun gayat tetap berposing jugak.. kan darling? hehehe.....

Adik is aiming at the duck.. careful duck.. Darth Maul is watching you!

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